Praxis Claravita, Clarastrasse 12, 4058 Basel

Welcome to the Claravita Practice.

We are your doctor's office in the heart of Basel.
You can reach us on site, by phone, by email hidden; JavaScript is required and via our online appointment booking service.

We have capacity for new patients.

Office hours:

Mo until Fr
08:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m &
13:30 p.m. until 18:00 p.m

You are welcome to call us or simply schedule your appointment directly online.

Schedule an appointment
061 385 80 80 email hidden; JavaScript is required

Your medical practice in the heart of Basel

We are a modern medical practice in the heart of Basel, offering comprehensive general medical, psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care.

Thanks to our competent network, we can call in other specialists for support at any time, if necessary.

Sektion leistung


Our medical services include:

  • General practitioner and internal medicine with preventive care, diagnostics and therapy
  • Emergency care
  • Infusion therapy, such as intravenous iron administration
  • Preventive check-ups and preventive education
  • Vaccinations
  • Long-term care for chronic diseases such as heart, lung, gastrointestinal and kidney diseases, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders and cancer
  • Wound care after injuries
  • Internal and orthopaedic examinations
  • Diagnosis and acute treatment of new symptoms of all organs and the musculoskeletal system
  • Infectious diseases
  • Pain management
  • Neural therapy
  • Palliative medicine
  • Preoperative examinations
  • Consultation
  • Anthroposophic medicine
  • Phytotherapy
  • Primary psychosomatic care
  • Homeopathy
  • Health counselling
  • Smoking cessation counselling
  • Driving ability test level 1
  • Preventive sports medicine
  • Diving fitness examination
  • Comprehensive laboratory analyses including emergency analysis in our own practice laboratory
  • Resting electrocardiogram (ECG and long-term ECG (24-hour ECG)
  • Long-term blood pressure measurement (24-hour blood pressure measurement)
  • Radiological examinations
  • Allergological examinations
  • Lung function test
  • Immunocompetence optimisation
  • Nutrition counselling/selected issues
  • Coaching (self-empowerment, lifestyle modification, chronic pain) 

We offer psychiatric psychotherapy. The offer includes all services from general psychiatry and the implementation of psychiatric-psychotherapeutic treatments. This also includes medication or individually adapted psychopharmacological treatments.

Through cooperation with our family doctors, the necessary blood samples (from a holistic medical perspective) and routine ECGs can be carried out promptly and easily. We treat patients from the age of 18.


  • AD(H)D
  • Affective disorders such as bipolar disorders
  • Anxiety and panic disorders, phobias
  • Attention and concentration disorders
  • Autism spectrum disorder
  • Ayurveda: phytopharmaceuticals as an alternative treatment option
  • Advice for relatives of people with mental health problems
  • Advice for life crises
  • Chronic pain
  • Depression / depressive symptoms and fatigue
  • Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder, etc.)
  • Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy
  • Personality disorders
  • Psychiatric diagnostics
  • Somatic stress disorder (SSD)
  • Involvement of family members, important caregivers or referring doctors and family doctors

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a behavioral analysis therapy approach developed by Steven C. Hayes that aims to reduce avoidance behavior in relation to unpleasant experiences (“Acceptance”) and to develop value-based, committed action (“Commitment”).

ACT psychotherapy makes sense if you suffer from self-harming behavior and relationship patterns that have brought your personal development to a standstill.

ACT can inspire you to live your life more meaningfully and with the feeling of “right.” Even if nothing seems to be changing around you. This starts with finding your voice.

ACT can motivate you to act in a value-oriented manner, and appropriate medication with herbal medicines, psychotropic drugs, psychedelics (ketamine) intranasally or intravenously can support this process.

In our practice we offer ketamine-assisted psychotherapy to treat depression and anxiety disorders.

We speak your language

Our team speaks German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Croatian, Tamil, Turkish, Russian and Bulgarian.

03 Sprachen



Silvia Sciubba

Dr Silvia Sciubba, MD

Specialist for General Internal Medicine, Senior Physician

Dr Silvia Sciubba, MD

Specialist for General Internal Medicine, Senior Physician

Specialist title
Specialist in General Internal Medicine

German, English, Italian, Spanish

Proficiency certificates
Practice laboratory (KHM)

Professional and academic career
from 08/2023 Specialist in General Internal Medicine at the Claravita Practice

2017–2023 Specialist in General Internal Medicine at the Gellert Practice

2006–2017 Senior Physician for General Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Polyclinic of the University Hospital of Rome

2006 Specialist in General Internal Medicine

2001–2006 Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine, Polyclinic of the University Hospital of Rome

2001 State examination in medicine at the del Sacro Cuore University of Rome

T Koller Oettli Web

Dr Theodora Koller-Oettli, MD

Specialist FMH for General Internal Medicine, Senior Physician

Dr Theodora Koller-Oettli, MD

Specialist FMH for General Internal Medicine, Senior Physician

Specialist title
Specialist FMH in General Internal Medicine

German, English, French, Italian, Greek

Proficiency certificates
Practice laboratory (KHM, College of Family Medicine)

Professional and academic career
from 02/2024 Specialist in General Internal Medicine at the Claravita Practice

2020–2021 Mobile Ärzte, Basel-Stadt & Basel-Landschaft

2015 Senior Physician for General Internal Medicine surgery, St. Claraspital, Basel-Stadt

1996–2014 Own medical practice in Basel-Stadt

1996 Specialist in General Internal Medicine, Universitätsspital Basel

1988 State examination in medicine and doctorate, Universität Basel

W Moersig Web

Dr Wolfgang Moersig, MD

Specialist FMH for General Internal Medicine, Specialist FMH for Cardiac and thoracic Vascular Surgery, Senior Physician

Dr Wolfgang Moersig, MD

Specialist FMH for General Internal Medicine, Specialist FMH for Cardiac and thoracic Vascular Surgery, Senior Physician

Specialist title
Specialist FMH in General Internal Medicine

Specialist FMH for Cardiac and thoracic Vascular Surgery

German, English

Proficiency certificates
Radiation protection in Cardiac and thoracic Vascular Surgery (SGHC)

Practice laboratory (KHM)

Professional and academic career
ab April 2024 Facharzt Allgemeinmedizin in der Praxis Claravita

2023 Facharzt Allgemeinmedizin, Hausarztpraxis Gartenstrasse, Grenzach-Wyhlen

2023 Facharzttitel Allgemeinmedizin

2021–2022 Weiterbildungsassistent Allgemeinmedizin, Ärztezentrum Hochrhein, Murg & Laufenburg

2014–2020 Leitender Oberarzt, Klinik für Thoraxchirurgie, Universitätsspital Basel

2009–2014 Leitender Oberarzt, Klinik für Thoraxchirurgie, Evangelisches Klinikum Niederrhein

2008–2009 Oberarzt, Klinik für Thorax- und Kardiovaskuläre Chirurgie, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf

2007 Oberarzt, Klinik für Herz- und Thoraxchirurgie, Friedrich-Schiller Universität Jena

2003–2007 Oberarzt, Klinik für Herz- und Thoraxchirurgie, Klinikum Krefeld

2002 Europäische Facharztanerkennung (FETCS)

2001 Facharzttitel für Herzchirurgie

1992–2003 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Klinik für HTG-Chirurgie, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz

1996 Thoraxchirurgisches Forschungsstipendium der Deutschen Gesellschaft für THG-Chirurgie in den USA: UCSD San Diego und BARNES Hospital St. Louis

1994 Staatsexamen Medizin und Doktorat, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz

M Kutnick Web

Dr Manuela Kutnick, MD

Specialist for General Internal Medicine, Senior Physician

Dr Manuela Kutnick, MD

Specialist for General Internal Medicine, Senior Physician

Specialist title
Specialist FMH in General Internal Medicine

German, English

Proficiency certificates
Practice laboratory (KHM)

Professional and academic career
ab August 2024 Fachärztin Allgemeine Innere Medizin in der Praxis Claravita

2020–2023 Fachärztin Innere Medizin, Hausarztpraxis Dr. v. Stünzner, Briesen

2019–2020 Fachärztin Innere Medizin, Helios Klinikum Bad Saarow

2018–2019 Fachärztin Innere Medizin, Leiterin Notaufnahme, Helios Klinikum Jerichower Land, Burg

2018 Facharzttitel Innere Medizin, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

2012 Staatsexamen Medizin, Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg

2007-2023 Diverse Einsätze als Hausärztin im Bereich humanitärer Hilfe, Humedica

C Smaranda Web

Dr Cristina Smaranda, MD

Specialist FMH for General Internal Medicine, Senior Physician

Dr Cristina Smaranda, MD

Specialist FMH for General Internal Medicine, Senior Physician

Specialist title
Specialist FMH in General Internal Medicine

German, English, French, Romanian

Professional and academic career
from 02/2025 Specialist in General Internal Medicine at the Claravita Practice

2022–2024 Fachärztin für Innere Medizin, Hausarztpraxis Bunge, Scheinfeld

2019–2021 Oberärztin für Innere Medizin, Malteser Waldkrankenhaus St. Marien, Geriatriezentrum, Erlangen

2019 Facharzttitel für Innere Medizin, Bayerische Landesärztekammer

2014–2019 Assistenzärztin, Malteser Waldkrankenhaus St. Marien, Geriatriezentrum, Erlangen

2013–2014 Assistenzärztin, Internistische Fachklinik Dr. Steger, Nürnberg

2011–2012 Assistenzärztin, Evangelisches Krankenhaus Bielefeld, Klinik für Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie, Abteilung Gastroenterologie, Bielefeld

2010–2011 Assistenzärztin, Edith-Stein-Fachklinik Bad Bergzabern, Rehabilitationsklinik für Neurologie und Orthopädie, Abteilung Neurologie, Bad Bergzabern

2010 Approbation, Koblenz

2008–2009 Assistenzärztin, Kinderkrankenhaus Sibiu, Rumänien

2007 Staatsexamen, Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien

Psychiatry & Psychotherapy

F Jördens Web

Dr Friederike Jördens, MD

Specialist FMH for psychiatry and psychotherapy, Senior Physician

Dr Friederike Jördens, MD

Specialist FMH for psychiatry and psychotherapy, Senior Physician

Specialist title
Specialist FMH for psychiatry and psychotherapy

German, English, French

Proficiency certificates
Practice laboratory (KHM)

Professional and academic career
ab Juli 2024 Fachärztin Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie in der Praxis Claravita

2023-2024 Praxistätigkeit, Schmerzzentrum am Kunstmuseum Basel

2021–2023 Leitende Ärztin, Schmerzklinik Basel

2020–2021 Oberärztin, Ameos Seeklinikum Brunnen und Ameos Stadtpraxis Zug/Zürich 

2018–2020 Praxistätigkeit, Zentrum für Therapie und Prävention Zürich

2017–2018 Praxistätigkeit, Psychiatrische Gemeinschaftspraxis Zürich

2017 Oberärztin, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich

2016–2017 Oberärztin, Gerontopsychiatrie, Mobiler Dienst für Wohnversorgung und Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich

2014–2016 Oberärztin, Clienia Psychiatriezentrum Wetzikon

2014 Eidgenössischer Facharzttitel für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

2013–2014 Assistenzärztin, Bereich Neurorehabilitation, Reha Rheinfelden

2011–2013 Assistenzärztin, Psychiatriezentrum Männedorf und Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Freiburg im Breisgau

2010–2011 Assistenzärztin, Psychotherapie- und Frauenstation der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich

2009–2010 Assistenzärztin, Psychiatriezentrum Schaffhausen

2008–2009 Assistenzärztin, Psychiatriezentrum Rheinau

2007 Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Freiburg im Breisgau

2007 Assistenzärztin, Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Prof. Hildebrandt, University of Michigan

2006 Staatsexamen Medizin (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg) und wissenschaftliche Arbeit im Bereich Neurophysiologie, Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Freiburg im Breisgau

Medical practice assistants

Abira Sivananthan

Abira Sivananthan

Medical practice assistant EFZ (Swiss diploma of competence)

L Haselwander Web

Linda Haselwander

Medical practice assistant EFZ (Swiss diploma of competence)


Romina Palaia

Medical practice assistant EFZ (Swiss diploma of competence)


Canan Karatekin

Medical practice assistant EFZ (Swiss diploma of competence)


Rebekka Haag

Medical practice assistant EFZ (Swiss diploma of competence)


Franziska Schmid

Dipl. Praxismanagerin

How to find us

Office hours:

Mo until Fr
08:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m &
13:30 p.m. until 18:00 p.m
  • Phone 061 385 80 80
  • E-Mail email hidden; JavaScript is required

The doctor's office is located at Clarastrasse 12 in 4058 Basel.

Located directly at the tram stop "Clarastrasse" (lines 6, 14, 15) between Messeplatz and Claraplatz, we are easily accessible by public transport and car. 

The Europe Parking, Claramatte and Onepark car parks are in the immediate vicinity.

Map 2

Latest News

Reinforcement in the family doctor team!

Dear patients

We are pleased to welcome our new colleague Dr. Cristina Smaranda to the team at the Claravita practice. As a specialist in general internal medicine, she will be offering her consultation hours at the Claravita practice from February 3, 2025 and will support our team of family doctors (further information under "Team").


Best wishes

Your Claravita practice team!

C Smaranda Web

Happy through the winter

Dark, wet and cold: good conditions for falling into the "winter blues".

How can we better cope with the dark months?

To counteract the winter blues, it is good to understand why this can occur in the first place. When sunlight hits our skin and eyes, it stimulates the production of serotonin. This is both a hormone and a neurotransmitter. Serotonin is sometimes colloquially referred to as the "happiness hormone". It helps regulate mood, appetite, sleep, social behavior and much more. Since we have less natural daylight in the autumn and winter, the human body produces less serotonin and more melatonin, colloquially known as the "sleep hormone". This ratio can affect your mood.

Since the main reason for this is the lack of light, it is advisable to spend longer periods of time outdoors. Perhaps you can plan a daily walk. Light therapy (10,000 lux for half an hour) can also provide relief. Sport and physical exercise can also have a positive effect on your mood. Make sure you have a good sleep rhythm and give yourself enough rest.

The little joys in life make the winter seem shorter: meeting up with friends, visiting a cozy café, watching a good film, enjoying a beautiful winter landscape or a warming cup of hot chocolate. Cocoa has both an anti-inflammatory effect and a positive effect on your mood. Cardamom is also considered a mood enhancer. Due to its sweet and spicy taste, cardamom is versatile and suitable as an ingredient in sweet and salty dishes.

Do you need immediate psychological help? You can get support in the acute outpatient clinic of the UPK Basel without prior appointment (Kornhausgasse 7, 4051 Basel).

The Claravita team wishes you a good winter!


Seasonal flu (influenza)

Every year again: The temperatures drop and the flu waves spread. Whether on the tram or in the office, people are coughing and sneezing. This is how you can protect yourself:

There is a safe and effective vaccination to prevent the flu virus.

Would you like to get vaccinated? Please contact us at the Claravita practice. We can carry out the vaccination directly in our practice.

Additional protective measures

A healthy lifestyle helps to strengthen the immune system. This includes a balanced diet, plenty of exercise, fresh air, sunlight and enough sleep.

Further tips:

  • Wash and disinfect your hands regularly for 20 to 30 seconds
  • Ventilate several times a day to reduce the number of germs in enclosed spaces
  • Sneeze or cough into a tissue or into the crook of your arm
  • Avoid dry airways by drinking enough water
  • If possible, avoid spending long periods of time in enclosed spaces and crowds of people
  • If you notice flu symptoms (e.g. cough, sore throat, runny nose, headache, etc), protect those nearby by wearing a protective mask.

You can find further information on influenza on the information page of the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) using the following link:


Iron in the Body: Importance and Sources

Iron is an essential mineral that is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin, which transports oxygen in the blood. A deficiency can lead to anemia, which causes fatigue and weakness. Iron also plays an important role in energy metabolism and supports the immune system.

Good sources of iron are red meat, poultry, fish, legumes, spinach, nuts and whole grain products. To increase iron intake, these foods should be combined with foods containing vitamin C, as these improve the absorption of iron. This keeps our body vital and full of energy, ready to master the challenges of life.

Iron-rich menu ideas: lentil salad with mango and avocado, chickpeas "Sweet & Sour", wok with vegetables and beef, chicken wraps.

Would you like to have your iron levels checked? Please contact us for a check.

The Claravita team wishes you Bon appetit while eating and trying out the menu ideas!


Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)

After summer is before summer. To enjoy the next summer without worry, a "TBE" vaccination is recommended. Because not only do we enjoy pleasant temperatures, but also various arachnids, such as ticks. These live in deciduous forests and feed on animal and human blood.

What dangers does a tick bite pose?

The tick can transmit TBE (tick-borne encephalitis or meningitis) as well as Lyme disease and other diseases. There is a safe and effective vaccination for the TBE virus to prevent it.

Would you like to be vaccinated? Please contact us at the Claravita practice. We can carry out the vaccination in our practice.

Other protective measures:

Long clothing, insect repellent for the skin and clothes provide further effective protection against the small ticks. It is also advisable to check your body and clothing for ticks after a trip in the countryside.

If a tick is already attached to your body:

  1. Use tweezers or a tick card.
  2. Grab the tick as close to the skin as possible and pull it out without twisting.
  3. Disinfect the area of ​​skin.

More information on the topic:

Aktuelles FSME Beitrag

Schedule an appointment

Open positions

Wir sind eine moderne und teamorientierte Hausarzt-, Dermatologie- sowie Psychiatrie- & Psychotherapiepraxis im Herzen von Basel-Stadt.

Zur Ergänzung unseres Teams suchen wir per 1. Januar 2025 oder nach Vereinbarung eine/n Fachärztin/-arzt Allgemeine Innere Medizin oder Praktische/r Ärztin/Arzt (Teil- oder Vollzeit).

Ihre Vorteile bei uns:

  • Grosszügige und lichtdurchflutete Behandlungsräume in einer modernen Praxis mit viel Tageslicht sowie toller Weitsicht über die Dächer von Basel
  • Attraktive Arbeitsbedingungen, umfassende Entlastung im administrativen sowie logistischen Bereich
  • Sie sind fachlich selbstständig tätig
  • Bestens ausgebildetes und hochmotiviertes MPA-Team
  • Wir sind privat geführt und gehören keiner Kette an
  • Mitarbeit und Austausch in einem interdisziplinären, familiären und dynamischen Team
  • Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, Teilzeitpensum möglich
  • 6 Wochen Ferien, 1 Woche Fortbildungsanspruch, geregelte Arbeitszeiten
  • Moderne Praxisinfrastruktur und -ausstattung mit digitaler Praxisadministration, elektronischer KG, Mikroskop, EKG, Ultraschall sowie umfassend ausgestattetem Praxislabor
  • Optimale ÖV-Anbindung und mit dem Auto gut erreichbar (hauseigene Tiefgarage)
  • Im selben Gebäude der Praxis befindet sich ein Fitnesscenter und in unmittelbarer Nähe vielfältige Gastronomieangebote

Was wir von Ihnen erwarten:

  • Facharzttitel Allgemeine Innere Medizin (resp. Praktische/r Ärztin/Arzt), bzw. Anerkennungsbestätigung BAG bei ausländischen Abschlüssen
  • Deutschkenntnisse (Niveau C1), jede weitere Landes- & Fremdsprache von Vorteil
  • Freundlicher und respektvoller Umgang mit Patienten und im Team

Bei Interesse melden Sie sich gerne bei uns oder senden Sie uns Ihre elektronischen Bewerbungsunterlagen zu. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Wir sind eine moderne und teamorientierte Hausarzt-, Dermatologie- sowie Psychiatrie- & Psychotherapiepraxis im Herzen von Basel-Stadt.

Zur Ergänzung unseres Teams suchen wir nach Vereinbarung eine/n Fachärztin/-arzt Dermatologie & Venerologie in Teil- oder Vollzeit.

Ihre Vorteile bei uns:

  • Grosszügige und lichtdurchflutete Behandlungsräume in einer modernen Praxis mit viel Tageslicht sowie toller Weitsicht über die Dächer von Basel
  • Attraktive Arbeitsbedingungen, umfassende Entlastung im administrativen sowie logistischen Bereich
  • Sie sind fachlich selbstständig tätig
  • Bestens ausgebildetes und hochmotiviertes MPA-Team
  • Wir sind privat geführt und gehören keiner Kette an
  • Mitarbeit und Austausch in einem interdisziplinären, familiären und dynamischen Team
  • Flexible Arbeitszeitmodelle, Teilzeitpensum möglich
  • 6 Wochen Ferien, 1 Woche Fortbildungsanspruch, geregelte Arbeitszeiten
  • Laserbehandlungen und Lichttherapie geplant; weitere Behandlungsarten werden in Zusammenarbeit mit der/dem Fachärztin/Facharzt bestimmt
  • Moderne Praxisinfrastruktur und -ausstattung mit digitaler Praxisadministration, elektronischer KG, Elektrokauter, Mikroskop, EKG, Ultraschall sowie umfassend ausgestattetem Praxislabor
  • Optimale ÖV-Anbindung und mit dem Auto gut erreichbar (hauseigene Tiefgarage)
  • Im selben Gebäude der Praxis befindet sich ein Fitnesscenter und in unmittelbarer Nähe vielfältige Gastronomieangebote

Was wir von Ihnen erwarten:

  • Facharzttitel Dermatologie & Venerologie, bzw. Anerkennungsbestätigung BAG bei ausländischen Abschlüssen
  • Deutschkenntnisse (Niveau C1), jede weitere Landes- & Fremdsprache von Vorteil
  • Freundlicher und respektvoller Umgang mit Patienten und im Team

Bei Interesse melden Sie sich gerne bei uns oder senden Sie uns Ihre elektronischen Bewerbungsunterlagen zu. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!